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Product Solutions
Evoko Kleeo Desk Manager 1-pack


Evoko Kleeo Desk Manager 1-pack

In today’s hybrid workplace, many employees do not have their own desks at the office. There is often an open office space, hot desking, or collaborative spaces that could be used. Sometimes it could be difficult to find an available desk. This is why a desk booking system is essential for the new modern office.

Three reasons for investing in our desk booking system

Evoko makes desk booking easy and friction-free, just as it should be. Improve the workflow within your organization without double-bookings, and spend your saved time on what really matters.

  • Enabling a more agile workplace. Adapt to the growing needs of hybrid work models.
  • Increase productivity. Spend less time searching for an available desk.
  • Full insights. Optimize your office for actual needs (and save money).

The ideal desk booking system for the hybrid workplace

Free seating can result in the feeling of being the odd one out in a game of musical chairs. With a professional desk booking system the user can focus on their work instead of finding a seat. Here you find what you need for a hybrid workplace. Everything from the desk booking manager that can be placed on each desk to software solutions like an app and admin portal. If there is a seat, we will find it for you!

When to invest in a desk booking system

If you utilize open office space, hot desking, or collaborative spaces that are not meeting rooms, it is definitely wise to look into desk bookers to coordinate these areas. The risk of having trouble finding available desks increases the more areas and desks are free for the taking. You need a system, and we believe a digital solution that encompasses meeting rooms, as well as desks, can benefit many middles to larger organisations.

List Price
$ 600.00 USD
Evoko Kleeo Desk Manager 1-pack
Evoko Kleeo Desk Manager 1-pack
How To Buy:
We do not sell this product online. You must contact us and provide a valid P.O. to purchase.
Installation, configuration, and custom programming is extra and not included in the list price.